Are You Ready To Lead A More Vibrant Life?
Let’s transform your health with a personalized game plan to address your wellness challenges so you can finally heal and live life to its fullest.
This program will provide you with an evaluation of your life styles/habits, your emotional states, nutrition, exercise, water intake, sleep habits and the quality of your relationships but mainly the one that you have with yourself. We will be creating a new level of self awareness of your unconscious behaviors that have created your current level of health. I am excited to begin your journey to a level of vibrance, joy and internal peace, greater than you have known.
We start with an intake visit, 60 minutes, this visit is an in depth review of your questionnaire, a discussion of your personal goals, and start you with your initial steps towards your goals. Book a call now to find out more. This is just an brief overview.
Both Monthly and the Membership Programs include the Weekly Open Office Hours with live Q&A.
- Personalized supplement recommendations
- Mindset/behavior Evaluation: This is critical to understanding your thought process and to release old behaviors and limiting beliefs that are blocking you from healing.
- Portal messaging: Ability to ask any questions with me and/or my staff during daily scheduled hours in addition to the health coaching and follow up visits.
- Personalized video lab interpretation
Essential Program
3 Month
Premium Programs
6, 9 or 12 month options
Other Options Include:
Community Membership
Available After Completing Either Of The Plans Above
If you are feeling better but want to take your health to an even higher level of vibrance, stay with us and do the monthly program. If you are ready to take what you have learned and go on your own but would like to remain part of the True Source Healing community and stay in the facebook group and still participate in the weekly Q&A.
Weekly Open Access hours Q&A
Access to replay Office hours replays
10% discount off supplements
Priority upgrade to the Essential and Premium Membership
Detox Program
* 30-day detox cleanse is designed to neutralize and rid your body of hard to eliminate stored toxins in fat tissues, get rid of mucus build up and congestion, reduce inflammation, lose bloat, and weight, and remove build up in the liver, bowels, heart, and lungs.
Call for details
*Toxins are everywhere in the environment and it’s not a matter of if you will be exposed, it’s how much.
* Doing a detox program one to two times a year helps reduce the heavy load and damage done to the body and by eliminating them routinely.
* Reducing certain toxins in our foods and personal hygiene products is the first step but there are many other things you can do. Some examples of toxins include, heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants, energy toxicity from TV’s, microwaves, EMF, computer screens, emotional, and psychological toxicity, food toxicity mainly genetically modified foods gluten, and processed foods.
* Detoxing is also Anti aging. As you rid your body of harmful toxins that have built up over the years, your skin heals and promotes a glowing appearance looking years younger.
** This program has best results if done after optimizing your gut health. If your gut is not healthy and optimized before detoxing, you may feel very ill and will not get the same advanced results
More Details
21-day Detox Challenge – 21 Days of life changing strategies that focus on diet, sleep, physical activity, and stress reduction. This program will increase your energy and vitality and fire up your Metabolism.
It is a proven blueprint for youthful energy, weight loss and increased clarity and focus.
15-minute Detox consultation to review your goals and questionnaire
3 Live check ins and weekly Q&A
Genova Metabolomix nutritional deficiency evaluation
Personalized Guided elimination diet
Lab fee extra
The practice of functional medicine is founded in evidence-based science, but no guarantees are made regarding outcome. Supplements and nutritional supplements may interfere with prescribed medications. It is important that a physician is aware of what combinations of medications and supplements you are taking if you opt to purchase the recommended supplements with Detox 21 program. Patients are required to keep a primary care provider and notify him/her of following this plan. Persons that enroll in my Detox program accept at their own risk of unintended consequences that include but are not limited to: hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), weakness, nausea, and headache. The advice given by True Source Healing is for therapeutic purposes only and not for treatment of specific medical diagnoses.
All the products recommended have been scientifically tested by their manufacturers and independent Manufacturers.
Our Team Is Here For You
Our team at True Source Healing strives to provide you with the most effective and medically advanced techniques available. We are here for you… to help you finally reach your desired health goals.
When we speak over the phone, we’ll assess whether this program is right for you… and answer any questions you may have. Simply pick a time and date that works best for you!
What about working together remotely?
Regardless where you reside, we can work together in person or via teleconference (video or phone).
How fast can I reach my health goal?
Many factors impact how soon you’ll reach your desired health goals – including your current health situation, how far you’ve got to go, and how committed you are during the process. Please realize that there’s no magic pill that can instantly reverse the effects of years of neglected health. At the same time, resolution of your health issues can be so much faster when you have the right guide by your side. Let us be your guide! As part of the program, we’ll craft a custom-tailored strategy to address your unique wellness challenges and help you reach your health goals.
How long are the programs 3, 6, 9, and 12 months with renewing options?
The overall program duration is anywhere from 3-6 months, followed by the appropriate maintenance support thereafter. Throughout the entire journey, you’ll have ongoing support through our private Facebook community, group coaching calls, and direct access to me and my team. And for those of you that want ongoing support and coaching after the completion of the program, we provide affordable options.
What’s the next step?
To discover whether the Essentials Program is right for you, schedule a 15 minute discovery call. During the call, we’ll review your questions, and if it’s the right fit we’ll get you enrolled so you can get started on your health journey.